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    Production of fasteners to order
    Automated equipment, professional competencies, low prices
    Запрос лендинг
    Our experts will contact you shortly to clarify the parameters of your request.

    By clicking the "To get our experts consultation", button you consent to the processing of your personal data

    Reasons to choose us

    Delivery time from the 1-st day

    Minimum batch is 1 pcs

    Minimum order – from 30 000 RUR

    Compliance to GOST, DIN, ISO standards

    Product diameter up to 140 mm

    Durability class up to 12.9

    Manufacture of fasteners
    We manufacture fasteners in accordance with the requirements of Russian and international standards (DIN, ISO, EN, GOST, OST), as well as according to drawings and sketches of the customer, if standard products do not meet the specific requirements of the project.

    The company "Traiv" provides a wide range of services for the production of fasteners using advanced technologies and modern equipment. We manufacture fasteners in accordance with the requirements of Russian and international standards (DIN, ISO, EN, GOST, OST), as well as according to drawings and sketches of the customer, if standard products do not meet the specific requirements of the project.

    Advantages of making fasteners to order

    The production of fasteners to order has several undeniable advantages, the main of which is the uniqueness of the products. According to its size, appearance, material and other characteristics, custom-made hardware is ideal for a specific task. In addition, if the fasteners are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST or other standards, the customer receives a guarantee of compliance with all parameters and properties of the product.

    At our own production we carry out:

    • turning processing;
    • milling operations;
    • grinding;
    • all types of coatings (chrome plating, oxidation, anodizing, galvanizing, cadmium plating, copper plating and much more);
    • knurling and thread calibration;
    • heat treatment of products (HDPE hardening).

    In the manufacture of fasteners, we work with a variety of different metals, including all types of steels, aluminum, bronze, copper, titanium and others. This allows us to produce fasteners that are ideally suited for specific operating conditions.

    What prices depend on

    The price for the production of fasteners and hardware depends on many factors. Among them: the material of manufacture, the size and complexity of the part, the volume of the order, as well as the specifications specified in the drawing. Thanks to the professional approach of our employees and the optimization of processes on the production site, we can always offer competitive prices.

    Why you should contact us

    We use modern high—precision equipment - turning machining centers SKM model NL 2000M with a part catcher, which allow us to fully automate manufacturing processes and significantly reduce the processing time of parts. This is especially important for mass production, where repeatability, dimensional accuracy and the quality of the final products are required.

    Working with small and large batches, taking into account all tolerances and standards, quality control at all stages of production, as well as extensive knowledge and extensive experience of our employees allow us to meet any customer needs in bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners.

    Our equipment
    Lathe Machining Unit, SKM series NL 2500SY with the parts catcher
    Lathe Machining Unit, SKM series NL 2000M with the parts catcher
    Lathe Machining Unit, SKM series NL 1500 with the parts catcher
    Lathe and screw-cutting machine with digital indication device KC51B/1500
    Milling and Drilling machine JMD-45LPF
    Hydraulic Threading Machine JDY-50
    Automatic metal band sawing machine of column type IRON MAC CUT-280CHA
    Bar feeder DH65L S2 Fedek with spacer
    Production Cases
    ​​Импортозамещение металлоизделий: чем заменить европейский крепёж

    С февраля 2022 года компании, использующие импортные комплектующие, продолжают испытывать шок от разрыва торгово-экономических связей. Прекращение европейских поставок вынуждает искать альтернативные решения и обостряет вопрос о снижении зависимости российской промышленности от ввозимых товаров. Смогут ли отечественные предприятия обеспечить крепежом по конкурентоспособным ценам и гарантировать нужный уровень качества или придётся обращаться к китайским поставщикам? Эксперты «Трайва» делятся своим мнением относительно сложившейся ситуации и предлагают несколько сценариев решения проблемы.

    Освоение Арктики и развитие Северного морского пути: крепёж для низких температур

    Продвижение в Арктику — одна из наиболее приоритетных задач России. Этот регион содержит около 20-25% мировых запасов нефти и газа, поэтому в последние годы здесь активно ведутся работы по освоению континентального шельфа, строятся объекты военного, промышленного и транспортного назначения.

    Импортозамещение в фокусе: Изготовили болты М160 из российской стали для горнодобывающего оборудования

    Крепеж дробильно-сортировочного оборудования для переработки рудосодержащего сырья должен обладать высоким запасом прочности и длительным сроком службы. Кроме этого, уникальность этих изделий заключается в нестандартных габаритах и применении российской стали — аналога европейской марки. Материал подбирался исходя из спецификации с учетом тяжелых условий эксплуатации оборудования. В результате нам удалось разработать индивидуальный проект, благодаря которому клиент не только сэкономил значительную сумму, но и получил готовую партию в более короткие сроки по сравнению с немецким производителем.

    Изготовление латунных заглушек из прутка ЛС-59 для дизель-моторного завода

    В данном кейсе мы подробно рассмотрим процесс изготовления специализированных латунных заглушек из прутка ЛС-59 для нашего партнера — ведущего российского машиностроительного предприятия по выпуску дизелей и дизель-генераторов различных типов.

    Production Features
    Products Manufacturing according to drawings
    Products manufacturing according to sketches, drawings, samples from any type of steel and alloys.
    Quality Control
    Quality control of finished products
    Testing in independent laboratories
    High Quality Materials
    We accept orders for production of the bulk and small-wholesale bunches of the products according to the following standards: GOST, DIN, ISO.
    Any Coating under the Order
    Galvanic and zinc-lamellar coating, hot zinc coating, thermal diffusion galvanizing, coating with black zinc, Teflon, nickel, cadmium, cooper platting, zinc-phosphate coating, coloring.
    Request for the Production
    Запрос лендинг
    Our experts will contact you shortly to clarify the parameters of your request.

    By clicking the "To get our experts consultation", button you consent to the processing of your personal data

    Developing Fastening Solutions
    Accurate adherence to drawings and samples is an important but not the only part of what we provide. We look deep into the context — operating conditions, production features and industry standards. Together with the customer we create a fastening solution, not a simple product.

    GOST, OST, TU and your standards

    Durability class up to 12.9

    Custom Threads

    Rear Steel and Alloys

    Testing and Quality Control

    Any Type of Coating

    Pluses and Pluses
    Production Plant Quality
    • We start and finish with the quality control: checking raw materials, holding intermediate control tests for every 5-10 products, carry out final control tests.

    • We are able to work with the complex standards, we carry out tests and quality control in accredited laboratories.

    • All the end-products are supplied with the passports and warranty, and raw materials have origin certificates. Pedigree and the future of every detail is under control.

    Workshop Flexibility
    • We will manufacture the product according to your drawing and technical requirements or clone the sample provided. The equipment park allows us to produce details of the sizes from 10 mm up to 380 mm with the thread pitch from 0.75 up to 5 mm.

    • We are ready to take on the execution of a small series or even one detail. Minimum time of manufacture – starting from 5 days.

    • If needed, we will look beyond the terms of specification. We’ll delve into your production processes and work to improve them.

    • The doors of our production site are always open to you. You are highly welcomed to visit us with the audit and find out for yourself.

    Работаем с регионами
    Regional coverage
    • 14-25
      Railway transportation
    • 5-7
      Air Freight Express
    • 7-10
      Automobile Delivery
    • 35-45
      Maritime Transportation
    We work throughout Russia
    Regional coverage
    Air Freight
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