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    Минимальная сумма заказа 5 000 рублей

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    We invite production companies from the united kingdom to cooperate

    Traiv-Komplekt Group of Companies has been a key supplier of metal goods and solutions to industrial enterprises and manufacturers in Russia and Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries for over 15 years.

    We focus on the production and distribution of standard and non-standard industrial solutions for metal ware of any strength class, made from any material, with any coating, optimal for the specific needs of manufacturers from the UK.

    What are the benefits of cooperation with our company?

    Многолетий опыт

    Many years of experience in the supply of fasteners and metal ware to the United Kingdom

    • We take orders for wholesale and small-scale batches of products manufactured in accordance with the following standards: GOST, DIN, ISO, TU; as well as customized products according to sketches and drawings and made from all types of steels and alloys
    • We will be happy to provide special wholesale prices
    • Manufacturing of products in industrial equipment
    • The average batch production time of goods according to GOST or customer's drawings amounts to from 10 to 15 days
    • More than 50,000 items in stock

    Высокое качество

    High quality and reliability of products, we follow GOST

    • Zinc, chemical OX, chemical FOS coatings can be applied

    Цифровизация работы с партнерами

    Digitalization of CRM

    • Russian and European certificates
    • Online-store with a system for swift selection and ordering procedures
    • Online-chat with a personal manager

    Удобная логистика

    Convenient logistics to the United Kingdom

    • Warehouses in Moscow and St. Petersburg



    Do you have a list of fasteners?

    Fill out the form, please, if necessary, attach the list of fasteners. We will contact you shortly to make an advantageous offer for the purchase of fasteners

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